主办单位:铜仁学院,Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing
王承璐教授,纽黑文大学,Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 主编
1. Cheng Lu Wang, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 主编
2. Ian Phau, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Logistics 主编
1. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing (SSCI Q1)1
2. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Logistics (SSCI Q3)1
3. 《系统管理学报》1
4. Behavioral Sciences (SSCI Q2)2
5. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (SSCI Q2)2
6. Administrative Sciences (ESCI Q2)2
1. 高质量文章推荐到会议支持期刊走快速审稿通道。投稿程序需按照正常递交和盲审流程。
2. 由王承璐教授担任责任主编的Special Topic主题“Consumer Psychology and Business Application”。符合本主题的论文可以选择以上三个开源期刊之一投稿(主题信息:https://www.mdpi.com/topics/90N274WW42)。

九、 参会须知
白老师,邮箱:jgybb@gztrc.edu.cn,固定电话:+86 13885678947
周老师,邮箱:zly.scu@gmail.com,移动电话:+86 13266584673
Symposium and Workshop of Interactive Marketing
Call for Papers or Working Papers/Abstract
June 22-June 26 Tongren University, Guizhou, China
Submission Deadline: April 30, 2024
The first Symposium and Workshop of Interactive Marketing, co-organized by Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing and Tongren University will be held June 22-26, at Tongren City, Guizhou, China
Symposium Co-chairs
Professor Cheng Lu Wang, University of New Haven, Editor-in-Chief Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing
Professor Jian Yang, Vice President, Tongren University
Professor Wenyong Tian, Associate Dean, School of Economics and Management, Tongren University
Professor Yajun Zhang, School of Business Administration, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics
Associate Professor Liying Zhou, School of Business Administration, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics
Professor Liangyan Wang, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Vice President, Chinese Marketing Association of Universities
Supporting Journals:
Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing (SSCI Q1)1,
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Logistics (SSCI Q3)1
Note 1: High quality paper will be considered for fast-track review process, following the standard submission and reviewing procure through journals’ official submission system)
Behavioral Sciences (SSCI Q2)2
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (SSCI Q2)2
Administrative Sciences (ESCI Q2)2
Note 2: There is a special topic from MDPI, with a theme of “Consumer Psychology and Business Application.” Authors can submit manuscript to either one of these three participating journals depending on the fit to the journal. Attendance of conference is not required to submit the paper, however, all submissions much meet the topic area (consumer psychology and business application). More detail can be found at the special topic link at: https://www.mdpi.com/topics/90N274WW42
Keynote speaker:
Professor Ian Phau, John Curtin Distinguished Professor, Curtin University, Australia, Editor-in-Chief, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Logistics
Professor Cheng Lu Wang, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing
Symposium Themes
1. Explore emerging trends and research topics in interactive marketing
2. Disseminate and exchange research outcomes through presentations and discussions
3. Enable authors and participants to share and receive feedback on papers or working papers, enhancing manuscript quality and publishability in JRIM and other SSCI journals
4. Apply contemporary interactive marketing theories and new knowledge to real-world business practices
5. Establish a platform for scholars, teachers, and graduate students interested in interactive marketing research and education
Interactive marketing is the bi-directional value creation and exchange process through active customer connection, engagement and interaction (Wang, 2021). Interactive marketing emerged at the beginning of the digital age with the wide application of internet and e-commerce around three-decades ago and it becomes a new normal in marketing thanks to the advancement of artificial intelligence, platform revolution and social media (Wang, 2023).
The aim of this symposium and workshop is to provide an interactive platform for scholars to present research papers/working papers and gain constructive feedback from peer participants for further improvement. The participants will include JRIM editors and editorial board members, authors, reviewers and scholars intending to submit their manuscripts. Considering the multidisciplinary nature, we welcome participants from all related academic realms, including management, information system, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, psychology, sociology, tourism, and other social science filed.
Submission Guideline and Agenda
The submission and agenda include following categories (participants may choose any of category for submission:
1. Full paper presentation to hear comments from discussants and peer participants (the best papers are invited to submit to the JRIM for fast track review or recommend to other SSCI journals through formal submission procedure
2. Working paper (incomplete paper) presentation to gain feedback for further improvement
3. Research idea incubation and development: Abstracts or synopses with innovative and insightful ideas are welcome and encouraged to submit and to share for development into a high quality paper through brainstorming
4. Research paper publication tips: Productive JRIM authors and JRIM editorial board members share publication experience and tips
5. Learning experience for any participants who do not submit paper but are interested in interactive marketing research and education
6. Visiting local businesses and gaining first-hand experience in interactive marketing practices
Please submit your papers to the dedicated conference email address (trintmkt2024@163.com). The email should include the names, affiliations, phone numbers, and email addresses of all authors. Use the subject line "SWIM + [Your Name]".
All submissions (or participating intention) should be submitted by (not later than) April 30, 2024.
This symposium/workshop would be a medium-sized conference. Due to the limited capacity, we will no longer accept new participants after the deadline or when the participant number reaches to the maximum cap. Therefore, early submission is strongly encouraged to reserve a seat.
For detailed information regarding submission, registration and payment, please contact the Secretariat of the Symposium Organizing Committee.
Contact information:
1、For scholars from China: Professor Bai, jgybb@gztrc.edu.cn,Phone: +86 13885678947
2、For overseas scholars: Profefssor Zhou, zly.scu@gmail.com,Phone: +86 13266584673
Registration Fees
Teachers: CNY 1,800; Students: CNY 1,200; International scholars can choose to pay online in RMB or pay onsite.
Payment Methods
This conference is co-organized by Guizhou Zhongrun Hengyue Conference Services Co., Ltd., which is authorized to collect registration fees and issue official receipts.
(1) Remittance or Online Payment
Bank: China Construction Bank Guiyang Huaguoyuan Branch (中国建设银行贵阳花果园支行)
Account Number: 52050142403600001788
Company Name: Guizhou Zhongrun Hengyue Conference Services Co., Ltd. (贵州众润恒悦会议服务有限公司)
Taxpayer Identification Number: 91520102MA6H1NYR9A
WeChat/Alipay Payment QR Code:

Note: When making a payment, please remark with your "Name, Interactive Marketing Conference". After paying, contact the conference service team and provide billing information. By default, electronic invoices will be issued. If a paper invoice is needed, please specify.
(2) Onsite Payment: Cash, bank card, WeChat, and Alipay are accepted.
Given the theme of the symposium/workshop is on interactive marketing, please read the following references, which outline the content of the interactive marketing realm:
Wang, C. L. (2021), New frontiers and future directions in interactive marketing: Inaugural Editorial, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 15 (1), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1108/JRIM-03-2021-270
Wang, C. L. (2023), Interactive Marketing is the New Normal. In Wang, C.L. (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Interactive Marketing, Springer-Nature International Publishing. pp. 1-12. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-14961-0